One approach to simulating natural phenomena is to
solve equations that describe their global behavior. Coupled
map lattice models, instead of solving for the global behavior
of a phenomenon, model the behavior by a number of very simple
local operations. When aggregated, these local operations produce
a visually accurate approximation to the desired global behavior.
A coupled map lattice is a mapping of continuous
dynamic state values to nodes on a lattice that interact (are
‘coupled’) with a set of other nodes in the lattice according
to specified rules. Coupled map lattices were developed by
Kunihiko Kaneko
for the purpose of studying spatio-temporal dynamics and chaos.
Since their introduction, CML techniques have been used extensively
in the fields of physics and mathematics for the simulation of a
variety of phenomena, including boiling, convection, cloud formation,
chemical reaction-diffusion, and the formation of sand ripples and dunes.